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Break Out Of Your Shell

Getting the Most Out of Your Shy, Stressed, or Soft Dog

(yes, it's a video!)

Read testimonials from past seminar participants

Break Out of Your Shell Video available now!!


Taken from my seminars held in 2010 and 2011, this video has approximately 158 minutes of hints, discussion and how-to tips for dealing with the shy, soft, or stressed dog both in the competition agility ring and in practice. 

Many of us have shy, soft, or stressed dogs.  This video will help your dog reach his agility potential and gain confidence through rewarding small successes.  It’s all about motivating your dog to be the best that he can be, and helping him work through stress.  It’s also about how to work through mistakes, regardless of whether they are dog or handler induced.

I have a 15 year history of working with my own soft and shy dogs that easily stress.  Plus, many of my students have had similar dogs.


·         Introduction and Goals

·         Relationship

·         Motivation and Stress

·         Stress Signs

·         Stress Reliever Tips

·         Reset

·         Trial Steps and Tips

This seminar was perfect for Oreo (and me).  I always felt horrible leaving other seminars, because all the focus was usually placed on how to deal with dogs' drive.  I needed to learn how to get my dog out from under my chair!  I felt like I was the loner, and as though I was doing something wrong.  At break out of your shell, I realized I wasn't alone, and that I was doing most things right.   As a result of the seminar, I know how to better notice signs of stress in my dog, which helps me get him through those tough moments, by creating predictable routines for him.“  Sara

I will be selling it at local events, and it's also available via mail order.

Price: $39.95.  Sales tax is included in the price.

Email me if you want it delivered to a local show.

To order using a check (made out to AgileDogs), please send me an email, include your complete mailing address. 

You can also pay using a Credit card using PayPal.

Here's a short preview of the video